Connecting to Online Services and Classes | Congregation Torat El - Monmouth County Conservative Synagogue

Connecting to Online Services and Classes

Last updated August 14, 2020
Good Morning Everyone,
During this difficult time of social distancing and isolation, Congregation Torat El continues to be here for you.  Although we are practicing physical distancing, this doesn’t mean we need to distance ourselves emotionally and spiritually.
We are offering the following ways to connect online in virtual environments. Please note that all services and programs require the password that was mailed to you on March 29.   If you need to obtain it again, please email Pam.
The following, are links for you to have the ability to join morning and evening minyan, Shabbat Services (both Erev and morning).
Cantor Bruce Siegel Presents: Creation – On your mark, get set, ….
Wednesdays, August 19,26, 12:00pm
As a way to stay connected to our CTE family during these unusual times, the Membership Committee is launching this exciting new program. From our homes to yours, we will share company and conversation as we reconnect with each other. Our inaugural chat will be about how we are staying fit and keeping a positive mindset. Looking forward to seeing you!
Dial in 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID 814135755699
Wednesday, August 19, 7:30pm
Join us for Drive-In Shabbat Services (temple parking lot)
* Bring a beach chair and set up by your car in the parking lot
(masks required, socially distanced parking)
* Listen on your car radio in the parking lot
 * Stay in the comfort of your home and watch services on Zoom streamed live from the parking lot
 In case of rain, services will be held ONLY on Zoom. Please check our website or your email for updates.
Friday, August 21, 7:15pm
Adult Education with Rabbi Schonbrun
Preparing Amidst A Pandemic: Spiritual Teachings For A New Year
It is certainly safe to say that this will be a Yamim Noraim like no other. How might we prepare ourselves — emotionally, spiritually, and practically as we celebrate these High Holidays “together” this year? During these times of struggle, uncertainty, and anxiety, how can the spiritual wisdom of these Days of Awe lift us up by helping us return to our most cherished Jewish values, repair our troubled relationships, and remain grounded in our faith as we move forward into the unknown of 5781?
Dial in 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID 827273400684
Wednesdays, August 26, September 2, 9, 7:30pm
Monday-Thursday 7:00pm, Fri 7:15pm (if needed, dial in by phone 929-205-6099 Mtg ID 412481673)
(candle lighting Friday, July 3, 8:12pm)
Morning Minyan Zoom Link Zoom Mtg ID 864-689-990
Monday-Friday 8:00am, Sunday 8:30am (if needed, dial in by phone 929-205-6099 Mtg ID 864689990)
Shabbat Morning Service Link Zoom Mtg ID 936-081-766
Saturday, 9:30am-11:15am (if needed, dial in by phone 929-205-6099 Mtg ID 936081766)
For Morning Minyan Siddur, please download directly from here
We have a team of volunteers ready to help anyone in our temple family who is in need of assistance with food or pharmacy runs. Please contact Pam if you or someone you know might need our help.
Shop & Drop is a program created by the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey to provide shopping and delivery service for immunocompromised adults under the age of 60. Please click here for additional information.
Additional links will be added as needed and will be included in future updates. All COVID-19 updates from us can be found at
Please reach out to the office if you have questions, concerns or need assistance with anything.
Stay safe,
Pam Cardullo
Executive Director