Monday Morning Message – December 13, 2010 | Congregation Torat El - Monmouth County Conservative Synagogue

Monday Morning Message – December 13, 2010

This week I would like to share with all of you some information about an incredibly important organization of our community.  “Project S.A.R.A.H,” a resource for Jewish women throughout New Jersey, seeks to aid victims of domestic violence, as well as educate and provide resources to the Jewish community at large that is frequently uncomfortable acknowledging the existence of this problem.


Unfortunately, domestic violence is not only a real problem, but it is one that affects our community just as it affects others.  Studies have concluded that domestic violence affects the Jewish community at the same rate as the general community and that up to 20-30% of Jewish women will experience physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse in an intimate relationship at some point in their lives.
Judaism places an extremely high value on “shlom bayit,” literally wholeness and peace in the home.  And our tradition has no tolerance for physical, emotional, or verbal abuse of any kind. We believe that everyone is made betzelem elohim, in God’s image, and therefore deserves to be treated accordingly.


We must get beyond our discomfort with this subject and speak out and act to support those in our community who are in need of help. Fortunately, there are resources available to help people experiencing domestic abuse of any sort. If you or anyone you know might benefit from these resources, please take a moment to look at the following link.