Shabbat | Congregation Torat El - Monmouth County Conservative Synagogue


These days it seems as if everyone is in a hurry. As we are rushing about trying to be hyper connected, we often find ourselves feeling disconnected to the things that matter most to us in our lives. Shabbat is a weekly opportunity to change all of that as we take time to recharge, reflect, and re-discover the role that God, community, values, family, and friends play in our lives. It is a gift that we are given, each week, that allows us to rest out bodies and renew our souls. As Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel taught, Shabbat is a day in which we are invited to sanctify time as we seek to appreciate the blessings in our lives and the profound beauty of God’s creation in our world.

There are a number of opportunities for bringing Shabbat into your life at Congregation Torat El. Our Shabbat services offer a time for prayer, introspection, community, and Jewish learning.

Shabbat Service Schedule:

  • Friday – 6:15 pm
  • Saturday – 9:00 am