Monday Morning Message – December 6, 2010 | Congregation Torat El - Monmouth County Conservative Synagogue

Monday Morning Message – December 6, 2010

Hag Urim Sameach, Happy Hanukkah!


One of my favorite things about Hanukkah in recent years is the number of entertaining and creative Hanukkah videos, songs, and sketches that can be found online and on TV.


It is no surprise that everyone nowadays has something funny or entertaining to say or sing about Hanukkah, from Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert, to flash mob dances in Jerusalem, to dreidel-playing on Sesame Street.  It is both ironic and entertaining that a holiday whose message is partially about avoiding cultural assimilation has become a big part of mainstream American pop-culture this time of year.


There are lots of great Hanukah themed videos across the internet, and I hope you have fun checking them out.  Here’s my favorite from this year, a fun Hanukkah spoof from Yeshiva University’s a capella group “The Maccabeats.”  Enjoy!