Monday Morning Message – September 5, 2011 | Congregation Torat El - Monmouth County Conservative Synagogue

Monday Morning Message – September 5, 2011

Last week we began the new month of Elul. It is during Elul that we begin the process of cheshbon hanefesh, self introspection, as we begin to focus on ourselves, our relationships, and what we can do to bring more purpose, holiness, and meaning into our daily lives. Elul is a month of opportunity, a time in which we are to take seriously the process of renewal that leads up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


Of course, this is easier said than done and many of us show up to services on Rosh Hashanah completely unprepared. There is much homework to be done as we begin this New Year, but we often don’t have the time, or simply don’t know where to begin. Here are two tools to help:


1)      Jewels of Elul: A link that will send a “jewel” of wisdom to your inbox during each day of Elul in the hopes of facilitating your personal process of growth and discovery as you prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Entries have been submitted from a diverse group of people including President Barack Obama, the Dali Lama, Eli Wiesel, Pastor Rick Warren, Kirk Douglas, Rabbi David Wolpe, and Ruth Messinger.


2)      10Q: Started by project Reboot (, this is an opportunity to reflect, react, and renew by going online and answering life’s biggest questions in your own private online space. When you’re finished with the survey, your answers get sent to the online 10q vault for safekeeping and one year later, your private reflections get sent back to you.


**On a separate note, this Sunday will mark the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Everyone is invited to join us for a Hazak Program on Sunday morning at 10:30am in the Social Hall where we will discuss the Jewish response to this anniversary. Please call the synagogue office to RSVP (732-531-4410). I look forward to seeing you next weekend as we commemorate this important date.