Tuesday Morning Torah – March 20, 2018 | Congregation Torat El - Monmouth County Conservative Synagogue

Tuesday Morning Torah – March 20, 2018

Here are three things that I know this morning. First, we are marking the beginning of spring. Second, we are expecting up to a foot of snow in some areas, and third- Passover is about a week and a half away! I hope that I am able to find my horseradish root under the frozen earth next week!
On a more serious note, as I teach every year in advance of Passover the Seder experience is meant to be a personal one in which we are taught, according to our rabbis, to see ourselves as if we had left Egypt. The Haggadah (lit. “telling”) is not a book that is to be “read” through from cover to cover without any explanation, thought, or creativity.   We are not supposed to rush through empty words to get to the meal. But rather we are to “retell” the Exodus from Egypt in a personalized way so that we might find a deeper level of meaning in the “master narrative” of our people. Below are some resources and tools to help you both prepare for Passover and personalize the Seder experience. Enjoy- and feel free to email me with any questions!
1. Click here to sign up in the next day or two for our community Passover seder. There are still spots available and we would love to have you!
2. Click here for all of the rules and regulations put out by the Conservative Movement surrounding Passsover shopping and home preparations. (Hint: Keep the PDF on your smart phone, or print out a copy to bring with you to the store to help with your shopping
3.  Passover supplement discussing issues of Hunger from Mazon
4. Passover supplement discussing issues of immigration from HIAS
5. Passover supplement discussing issues of Global Justice from AJWS
6. A Passover resource page put out by the RAC (Religious Action Center) of the Reform movement with many different justice related topics
7. Haggadah readings from AIPAC discussing issues related to Israel
8. Check out this new Haggadah that is meant to be welcoming, inclusive and accessible
10. From last year- but still fun.

SIX13 sings Passover! 

Hag Kasher V’Sameach. Have a wonderful and meaningful holiday!