Tuesday Morning Torah – April 3, 2018 | Congregation Torat El - Monmouth County Conservative Synagogue

Tuesday Morning Torah – April 3, 2018

I hope that everyone is enjoying Passover and had enjoyable Seders. Our community Seder was a truly meaningful experience and I want to thank all of our staff for their hard work as well as all of those who were in attendance this year.

As we approach the middle of Passover, I find myself thinking about the words of the dayyenu, the medieval poem that we recite in the Haggadah, reminding ourselves to be grateful for the gifts that we have been given throughout history and throughout our lives. Dayyenu- enough. It would have been enough had we been freed from Egypt, but we went on to receive the Torah. It would have been enough had we received the Torah, but we went on to receive the ten commandments and the gift of Shabbat. It would have been enough had we received the Torah, and the gift of Shabbat, but we were also blessed to make it into the Land of Israel. Etc….

This idea of “enough” is central to what it means to be a free person. Many people walk through this world never feeling completely satisfied with what they have in life. They always want more. While striving to make improvements in one’s life, reach towards goals, and grow in life is a good thing, it must always be done with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for all of the gifts that one simultaneously has in life. How many of you feel a sense of dayyenu in your life? What and “who” are the blessings that you have which you consider to be “enough ” in this world? Most importantly, what are you doing to remind yourself of these blessings, and give thanks for all that you have today, and every day?
The following Video clip was sent to me last week and expresses a similar theme. When you are done listening to the 2 minute story from Rabbi Ed Feinstein of Valley Beth Shalom in Los Angeles- take a moment to consider the dayyenu aspects of your life. In so doing, you may find that you are truly free. Free to live a life of blessing, satisfaction, and generosity towards yourself and others.